Gig Review – Ruts DC Album Launch – Camden Underworld – 16th Sept 2016

Once again dispensing with waffle…
(For the most part etc Etc EiTC)

And getting down to business…

Well that’s why you’re here?...

Then, before I knew it, I found myself in Camden and it was only Six o’clock!

In a hole in the ground I encountered a gathering who, like me, were here to hear the magnificent Ruts DC.

An early start to tonight’s gig due to the 10pm curfew for live music (Great! Cocoa and bed before the pumpkin hour methinks).

After partaking of a drink in the company of Mr and Mrs Rockula, Mrs Bloggs led me down further in to the depths of the underworld where we discovered Mr Bloggs and Straightenout (with his shirt – more on that later…) among numerous others, enjoying the delights of Department S. And what delights they were. A new experience for me seeing this band (and only really being aware of ‘that’ song), I was duly impressed.


A foundation of solid drumming and truly inspirational bass playing, layered with creative and engaging guitar, topped off with ultra-cool vocal stylings and performance. And they played ‘that’ song! And it was superb! And the sound was also superb in here tonight. Reckon I’ll be seeing this lot again.


A short break. Then before we knew it – Ruts DC took the stage and had us eating out of their palms as they delivered a solid set of Rutty, Ruttish afore alluded to magnificence, they may also have been just a little bit more sparkly than normal…


Kicking off with West One, the crowd were pleased and rightly so. Segs informed us that we may not know quite a bit of the set tonight as they kicked into the rocker Vox Teardrop and we just lapped it up.

The awesome Mighty Soldier, SUS, No Time To Kill and It Was Cold warmed the cockles before the next batch of new songs.


The catchy Brian Jones tribute Tears on Fire next. Then guest guitarist Dave joined the band which was a nice surprise and that’s exactly what they played Surprise. Leigh donned the Les Paul Jr for some nice jangliness on Soft City Lights before going back to the Standard for the excellent Peace Bomb. Second Hand Child next and great to hear how established this has become. Then new single Music Must Destroy and the crowd had clearly been doing their homework as they sang and danced along.


Back to the three piece format for the simply brilliant Love in Vain. More brilliance in the shape of Jah War. The suberb Psychic Attack headed up a couple of classics in the shape of Staring at The Rude Boys and Babylon’s Burning.

Then they were gone…

But not for long…

Back on with Dave on Acoustic for the atmospheric Golden Boy. Then electric for (the electric) Kill The Pain.


Three pieces again for a sizzling Something That I Said, before a final four piece rendition of the inimitable In A Rut! Stunning!

The sound was superb tonight with clarity between all elements… You would never have guessed there had been any technical problems, which indeed there had been as the midi backing had fallen over. Not that it really mattered as the human talent was so rich.

Almost tempted to say this was an ‘I was there!’ occasion… Which while true, Ruts gigs always are!


Great sound for a great band with great support in a great venue and other greatness etc Etc EiTC…

And while we’re on the subject of greatness: Check out the new album. It’s brilliant and Punky yet different as The Ruts/Ruts DC ever were. It’s instant and a grower at the same time. INFECTIOUS!!! With elements of dub and pop and general creative/experimental awesomeness: Not being a gambler even I’d wager that you won’t be disappointed.


Words: Matthew Elvis Brown.

Colour Images: Mrs Bloggs/Lou Smith.
Monochrome Images: Andy Miller/Straightenout.
Moving Images: Andy Miller/Straightenout.
That Shirt Images: Courtesy of Andy’s Camera and The Mystery Photographer.

Bonus RuTS DC and that shirt:

face-to-face leigh-segs ruts set-list-ruts smilingandy-and-segs-and-that-shirtandy-and-segs-and-the-back-of-that-shirt

Bonus Dept S:

sing guit drum bassdept-sdept-s1dept-s2dept-s3dept-s5

4 thoughts on “Gig Review – Ruts DC Album Launch – Camden Underworld – 16th Sept 2016”

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